304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
Area: l6500sq. ft construction of house Using EPS technology
construction of house Using EPS technology
The expanded polystyrene(EPS) Technology involes the construction houses by assembling readymade EPS foam, sandwiched between galvanized steel wire mesh plastered on both sides with concrete. Expanded polystyrene is an innovative building meterial that lends to the design element and ideal choice for green building and structural integrity of many building projects.
EPS is a powerful design element and an ideal choice for green building design,offering tangible environmental advantage that The expanded polystyrene (EPS) can maximize energy efficiency, technology involes the construction providing, improved indoor of houses by assembling readymade — environmental quality and EPS foam,sandwiched between enhancing durability. Major galvanized steel wire mesh that is advantages are EPS materials are
plastered on both sides with concrete. frequently used as insulation for Expanded polystyrene is an innovative walls,foundations,and roofs. Construction of houses using EPS technology CLIENT building meterial that lends to the There are several advantages to MLA RAGHUPATHI BHAT design element and ideal choice for —_ using EPS technology .UDUPI,KARNATAKA green building and structural integrity EPS technology is Eco friendly, Area:16500 sq.ft of many building projects. shorter construction periods. It construction of house is a mature technology,has good insulation,easy construction process ,design flexibility,it is more safer and sound proof.